Spanish police said they had dismantled a trafficking ring they said used voodoo rituals -- including animal sacrifice -- to force Nigerian women into prostitution in Spain.


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The Islamic State group has executed more than 3,000 people in Syria, including hundreds of civilians, in the year since it declared its self-described "caliphate," a monitor said.


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威爾斯美語補習班學習大補帖 Left-Handers are likely to be more creative

Out of the entire world’s population, only about 13% are left-handers. Even now, we still don’t understand the reason why a person is this way. Many people believe it may be genetic. This means if a child is a left hander, one of their parents probably is too. One thing is definitely true, though. Lefties use a different part of their brain. They think with the right side while most think with the left. And since the right area deals with creativity, lefties are likely to have big imaginations.

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Despite what you may have been told as a child, they are not caused by mice nibbling away inside cheese wheels.


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因緣際會下之下我接觸了威爾斯美語補習班,服務人員說明若願意來威爾斯學英文,能改善目前僅會讀寫而不會聽說的問題。威爾斯美語補習班明確分析學員程度的落點,給予每一位學生適當的教學建議及授課方式。讓我印象最深刻的地方,除了每位老師皆以輕鬆詼諧的方式授課外,舉凡上課內容及教學環境都在塑造全英文的情境,另外上課內容完全貼近生活,讓學員在無形中持續不斷鍛練英文能力。 我想我一定會推薦所有有心把英文能力提升,但苦無全英文環境的朋友來學習,我完全給好評價。

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Drivers may have mistaken it for an ostrich, but an emu was at the heart of a highway traffic jam in metro Atlanta.


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Police in central England have warned locals to beware of a large, aggressive bird which has gone on the run saying it posed a "very real threat to the public".


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Russian tycoon, Alisher Usmanov, is to finance the restoration of one of ancient Rome’s biggest public buildings, topping up the funding that Italy urgently needs to prop up its crumbling monuments after three years of recession.


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